Fulton County Chairman John Eaves invites you to attend a
Crime & Safety Summit
What: Fulton County Chairman John Eaves will hold an informational community meeting for residents interested in learning how to help deter crime. Neighbors interested in discussing ways to prevent crime are welcome and encouraged to attend. Here they will get the opportunity to talk to police, government and criminal justice professionals about how to make our streets safer.
When: Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 6:30 PM
Where: Atlanta Metropolitan State College (AMSC)
1630 Metropolitan Parkway, S.W.
Edwin A. Thompson Student Center
Easley Pavilion
Atlanta, Georgia 30310-4498
Chairman John Eaves, Ph.D., Chairman, Fulton County Board of Commissioners
Chief Judge Gail S. Tusan, Superior Court of Fulton County
Chief Judge Bradley J. Boyd, Fulton County Juvenile Court
Judge Jane Morrison, Fulton County State Court
Chief Judge Stephanie C. Davis, Magistrate Court
Judge Warren O. Atkinson, Magistrate Court
Paul L. Howard, Jr., Fulton County District Attorney
Ceasar Mitchell, Atlanta City Council President
Deputy Chief Ernest Finley, Atlanta Police Department
Dr. Gary McGaha, President, Atlanta Metropolitan College
For more information, please contact Sojourner Marable Grimmett, Director of Constituent Services for Fulton County Commission Chairman John Eaves at (404) 612-8333 or Sojourner.Grimmett@FultonCountyGa.gov.
Crime & Safety Summit
What: Fulton County Chairman John Eaves will hold an informational community meeting for residents interested in learning how to help deter crime. Neighbors interested in discussing ways to prevent crime are welcome and encouraged to attend. Here they will get the opportunity to talk to police, government and criminal justice professionals about how to make our streets safer.
When: Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 6:30 PM
Where: Atlanta Metropolitan State College (AMSC)
1630 Metropolitan Parkway, S.W.
Edwin A. Thompson Student Center
Easley Pavilion
Atlanta, Georgia 30310-4498
Chairman John Eaves, Ph.D., Chairman, Fulton County Board of Commissioners
Chief Judge Gail S. Tusan, Superior Court of Fulton County
Chief Judge Bradley J. Boyd, Fulton County Juvenile Court
Judge Jane Morrison, Fulton County State Court
Chief Judge Stephanie C. Davis, Magistrate Court
Judge Warren O. Atkinson, Magistrate Court
Paul L. Howard, Jr., Fulton County District Attorney
Ceasar Mitchell, Atlanta City Council President
Deputy Chief Ernest Finley, Atlanta Police Department
Dr. Gary McGaha, President, Atlanta Metropolitan College
For more information, please contact Sojourner Marable Grimmett, Director of Constituent Services for Fulton County Commission Chairman John Eaves at (404) 612-8333 or Sojourner.Grimmett@FultonC