I'm thrilled to be speaking to young women at the TGI Tech Media Literacy Summer Leadership Program affiliated with the YWCA of Greater Atlanta this week. I've been asked to present on the topic of being smart and effective with social media.
The mission for the Media Literacy Leadership Program is
to help young women identify, connect with, and combat negative messages from
the media, by teaching comprehensive media literacy, incorporating
critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration.
I'm really looking forward to meeting the young women in the program and being among other guest presenters including journalists, activists, and production managers (who will be discussing technical media production.)
Teen Girls in Technology (TGI Tech), started in 2006, is an innovative
YWCA of Greater Atlanta program for girls in middle and high school that
helps cultivate interest and competence in science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM). Founded in 1902, the YWCA of Greater
Atlanta is a membership movement whose mission is to eliminate racism
and empower women.
Many high schools students in middle and high school
have limited exposure to STEM academic areas in comparison to boys of
the same age. By the time girls reach high school, many have already
ruled out science, technology, engineering and math as a career choice.
TGI Tech aims to remedy this problem while making and investment in the
economic future of Georgia.
Sojourner Marable Grimmett is Assistant Director, Student Access Programs and Services at the
Southern Regional Education Board. She is responsible for administering
a regional program called the Academic Common Market which allows
students that are in-state to attend out-of-state institutions at
in-state rates. A founding host Mom Blogger for FOX 5 News Atlanta,
Mom-To-Mom Blogger for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Mom Blogger for Piedmont Hospital, and Cover Model for Atlanta Tastemaker Magazine's - Family Issue, Sojourner is
recognized for writing about the joys and challenges of being a
“stay-at-work” mom and connects with moms, both new and experienced,
who have the responsibility of raising a family and maintaining a
full-time job. Passionate about breastfeeding, Sojourner is the co-founder
of Table for Two a national campaign to support establishing lactation
rooms in public places, visit www.supporttablefortwo.org, on Facebook (@SupportTableforTwo) follow on Twitter (@LactationRooms).
Sojourner has been featured in FitPregnancy, WhatToExpect.com, BlackAndMarriedwithKids.com, MacaroniKid.com, Fox News, and CNN. Sojourner freelances as a social media consultant and has worked with America's largest companies to execute social media marketing strategies and increase customer awareness. Sojourner has a BA in communications from Clark Atlanta University and an MA in media studies from Pennsylvania State University. She is married to her college sweetheart, Roland and they have two young breastfed sons, Roland Jay "RJ" and Joshua Palmer "JP". Visit her blog sojournermarablegrimmett.blogspot.com
follow her on Twitter (@sojournerruth) and like her on Facebook
(@MarriedwithTwoBoys). She volunteers her services at the YWCA of
Greater Atlanta and KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) STRIVE Academy.
Sojourner has been featured in FitPregnancy, WhatToExpect.com, BlackAndMarriedwithKids.com, MacaroniKid.com, Fox News, and CNN. Sojourner freelances as a social media consultant and has worked with America's largest companies to execute social media marketing strategies and increase customer awareness. Sojourner has a BA in communications from Clark Atlanta University and an MA in media studies from Pennsylvania State University. She is married to her college sweetheart, Roland and they have two young breastfed sons, Roland Jay "RJ" and Joshua Palmer "JP". Visit her blog sojournermarablegrimmett.
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