Are you a mom who would like to create your own business, but you can’t find a business idea that suits you? While I was on maternity leave with our first child, over four years ago, I asked myself this very question. How can I stay at home and still purse my dreams professionally? I was torn with whether to stay at home or return back to work. Ultimately I found that returning back to a 9-5 was best for me personally, but for many other moms, staying at home is what works best for them and what they want to do. But how do moms purse their passion while working from home.

MommyTalkShow.com creator and Emmy award-winning TV journalist, Joyce Brewer’s e-book, Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms shows moms how they can fulfill their dreams by creating their own businesses. I’ve known Joyce for nearly a year and as a stay-at-work mom, I am inspired by her drive and passion to follow her dreams and also help other moms live out their dreams as well. Her e-book is a great resource which features over 40 business ideas and interviews with successful Atlanta "mompreneurs." The video links incorporated throughout the e-book help readers visually see how to transform their ideas into reality.
A century ago, the vast majority of women did not work outside the home. Even for women who graduated from high school or who had professional experience working in clerical or professional jobs, nearly all of them, once they were married, left the labor force and became homemakers. Today, working moms account for almost one-fifth of all employed individuals, and nearly three-fourths of employed mothers usually work full time. The rise of the Internet and use of interactive technology has allowed people the option to have alternative work schedules, work for themselves and become innovative successful entrepreneurs.
The moms featured in the e-book help readers think about their own true calling and also how to live out their dreams by starting their own businesses from home. Joyce highlights moms from different backgrounds and professions in order to give readers an idea of a variety of professions that one can do from home. "You will learn how each of them “business-tized" their skills, and you will complete several exercises designed to help you identify your skills and interests, then cultivate them into a business,” said Joyce.
Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms is a wonderful e-book for you to purchase if you’re thinking about staying at home or even brainstorming about other ways to maintain your full-time job and create another supplemental income. The e-book is available online for $12. Readers can receive a $4 discount on the e-book thru 1/31/12 by using the discount code: 2boys
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Emmy award-winning TV journalist, Joyce Brewer, is the creator and host of Mommy Talk Show, Atlanta’s new parenting talk show. The online show unites her passion (Motherhood) with her profession (TV News). Joyce lives in Atlanta with her husband and son. The Long Island, New York native has a B.A. from Hofstra University and an M.A. from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism. Since moving to Atlanta in 2009, she has become an active member of Ladies Who Launch Atlanta and Georgia Social Media Moms.

Sojourner Marable Grimmett is an Atlanta-based author who is recognized for writing about the joys and challenges of being a “stay-at-work” mom and connects with moms, both new and experienced, who have the responsibility of raising a family and maintaining a full-time job. Visit her blog sojournermarablegrimmett.blogspot.com follow her on Twitter and like her on Facebook. Also join her new campaign to support establishing lactation rooms in public places.