I'm on a mission to incorporate more wholesome choices into my daily life such as walking, cooking and eating healthier meals. I'm even open to trying new forms of exercise, such as taking a zumba class. Last week, I wrote a post about my excitement about partnering with McDonald’s on their Wholesome Choices Blogger Program! I've not only teamed up with McDonald's, but also my twin brother, Joshua Marable to share our journey to a wholesome lifestyle.
After meeting fitness expert, Andrea Riggs, I'm more motivated to get back into shape. Last week was very productive! I walked twice during lunchtime with my walking buddy at work (around Georgia Tech's campus), and brought my lunch to work three days out of the work week. I've seen my weight fluctuate over the years and now more than ever I'm determined to make more conscious choices when choosing foods.
McDonald's has great-tasting meals for less than 600 calories each. Did you know that you can now eat breakfast after midnight at McDonald's? McDonald’s is committed to giving us more delicious choices to feel good about in the months and years to come. Regardless of your dietary needs, you’ll find nutrient-minded choices at McDonald’s. Here are some simple steps to cut calories:
English Muffin
Grape Jam, 1 pkg.
Fruit'n Yogurt Parfait
Small Coffee (12 fl oz cup)
350 Calories

Egg McMuffin sandwich
Orange Juice (12 fl oz cup)
450 Carloires
McDonald’s offers a variety of whole-grain oatmeal choices on its breakfast menu, available all day. The Fruit & Maple Oatmeal and the Apple Cinnamon Walnut Oatmeal are both 100% natural whole grain oats, rich in fiber and freshly prepared for you. Follow McDonald’s Atlanta on Twitter @McDonaldsATL and check out their website for real-time promos, meal ideas and how to make the most of your McDonald’s experience:http://www.

Follow McDonald’s Atlanta on Twitter @McDonaldsATL and check out their website for real-time promos, meal ideas and how to make the most of your McDonald’s experience: http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/food/food_quality/nutrition_choices.html
Disclosure: McDonald’s partnered with bloggers such as me to participate in its “Wholesome Choices” Blogger Program. As part of that program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the products used, and believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. McDonald’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.